Day 28 – 30 Day Journey – Chakra 7 – MOVE-BREATHE-CENTER!

Level One, Props Needed: None

Affirmation: write this in the comments below! —->>> : With every breath I release the past, I am filled with joy.

Chakra Info: Enlightenment Chakra – purple, crown of the head, purity, intuition

Yoga Practice: Circle of Joy, Belly Breathing, Guided Affirmation, Breath Observation

Tips: If you have tight shoulders, try warming them up first with simple shoulder circles and/or shoulder shrugs.

Hack: Focus at the point between the eyebrows when mentally repeating the affirmation.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 2 minutes

Difficulty: Beginner


Course Instructor

Evan Iveson Evan Iveson Author

Day 28 – 30 Day Journey – Chakra 7 – MOVE-BREATHE-CENTER!