Day 6 – 30 Day Journey – Chakra 6. MOVE!
Level One, Props Needed: none.
Affirmation: write this in the comments below! —->>> : Within my every breath is infinite power!
Chakra Info: Focus Chakra – beyond the elements, indigo, negative pole is at the medulla at the back base of the brain, and the positive pole is at the front of the brain, in the prefrontal lobes, higher thinking, light, concentration
Yoga Practice: Standing Spinal Six – Forward Bend, Back Bend, Side Bend Left and Right, Twist Left and Right.
Tips: This is a fantastic way to get the kinks out of your spine. Listen to your body each time you practice this – some days feel free to go deeper in the poses and other days be more gentle. If something does not feel right, then look first to your alignment and correct it first.
Hack: A healthy spine needs to move in 6 directions every day. This is a quick and easy hack for spinal health.