Day 5 – 30 Day Journey – Chakra 5. MOVE!
Level One, Props Needed: none.
Affirmation: write this in the comments below! —->>> : With a burst of energy, I rise to greet the world! *
Chakra Info: Communication Chakra – ether, light blue, throat, your voice, calm
Yoga Practice: Tree Pose and Standing Inclined Plane
Tips: Watch the prep video for tips on how to use the wall or a chair for better balance. Focus your eyes steadily for better balance.
Hack: We practice these off balance poses to find the calm within. Don’t worry if you are wobbly now. Keep practicing and as you feel more centered you will feel more calm – and with this comes the energy and strength to greet the world daily.
*Ananda Yoga(tm) Affirmation