Day 3 – 30 Day Journey – Chakra 3. MOVE!

Level One, Props Needed: none.

Affirmation: write this in the comments below! —->>> : “I AM radiant, endless, vibrant, electric, energy and youth in every cell and atom of my being… NOW!”

Chakra Info: Power Chakra – fire, yellow, abdomen, digestion, determination, purpose

Yoga Practice: Uddiyana Bhanda (note: if this is new to you, you may want to watch the how to video)

Tips: This is an often overlooked traditional yoga pose. It takes practice to get it down. Once you do though, it is quite an amazing practice, that will help you feel cleansed and powerful. Watch the How To Practice Uddiyana Bhanda video if you want more tips.

Hack: This is a single practice which will help you become more radiant, vibrant, electric, energized and youthful!

Course Information

Estimated Time: 2 minutes

Difficulty: Beginner


Course Instructor

Nicole DeAvilla Nicole DeAvilla Author