Day 16 – 30 Day Journey – Chakra 2 – CENTER!

Level One, Props Needed: none.

Affirmation: write this in the comments below! —->>> : Daily I sit in stillness; I am cleansed and calm.

Chakra Info: Creative Chakra – water, orange, pelvis/sexual organs, flowing, creative, flexible

Yoga Practice: Guided Water Cleansing Meditation

Tips: Sit with good posture, but also be relaxed.

Hack: Learn to visualize, feel, sense, hear, smell everything in the gadded mediation for best results.

Course Information

Estimated Time: 2 minutes

Difficulty: Beginner


Course Instructor

Evan Iveson Evan Iveson Author

Day 16 – 30 Day Journey – Chakra 2 – CENTER!