Julia Berkeley

About Our Teachers

Hi, I’m Julia!

Like the bee and the hummingbird, Julia delights in finding the nectar of life. And so it is with great joy that she is here to support you in this journey of ever-deepening, embodied awakening of the joy, love and light that shines within you.

Having been a dedicated yoga practitioner for over 20 years and now yoga alliance certified teacher, E-RYT 500, Julia carries a depth and wisdom that is the fruit of a lifetime of learning and exploration, not only in the path of yoga, but also as a Soul Motion dance facilitator, healer and musician.

For Julia, yoga is not an activity confined to the mat but an every moment lived relationship with the source of life itself. For her yoga is an intimate love affair with the all pervasive intelligence that governs the movement of the stars, the planets, the trees and the bees. It is a journey home to love.


It has been said that the longest journey you’ll ever take is the 12 inches from your head to your heart. Every class Julia offers will support you to merge your mind into the heart so that you can return to that place within you that is naturally joyful and at peace. No matter what is going on inside or around you.

Her classes are a journey through breath, movement and sound, weaving together asana, pranayama, mudra, chanting, music and meditation to help you release stress and tension, uplift your spirit and cultivate presence and relaxation both on, and more importantly, off the mat.

Join Julia on a journey of developing and deepening your relationship with your innate intelligence and life force. Listen deeply to the intelligence that moves within you and discover what it is to be guided from there. Unwind, release and let go of the old and outdated patterns, stories, beliefs and energies held within your body, mind, heart and soul, so that the natural joy, intelligence and vitality that is your essential nature can flow more freely through you. With a compassionate, heart centered presence Julia will support you to reconnect with the passion and brilliance that you are and take steps to living the full expression you came here to be.

Julia’s draws her inspiration from many forms. Significant yoga influences to whom she is forever grateful are Saul David Raye, Kira Ryder, as well as a host of shamans, gurus and teachers from across the globe with whom she has had the privilege of studying and spending time. Years of extensive training have gifted her with certifications as a flower essence practitioner, soul centered and shamanic healer, transformational dance facilitator (both Dancing Freedom and Soul Motion), counsellor, IDT therapist, as well as E-RYT 500 yoga teacher.

Julia was born in Africa to an English father and American mother. They lived all over the world and so began a life of travel and adventure.

Julia has taught internationally sharing transformational workshops, retreats and yoga, as well as her soul-centered healing work across the globe from India, to Australia, America and England.

One of Julia’s greatest loves is the practice of Kirtan. Through this call and response mantra chanting practice both Julia’s voice and heart have been opened wide. She went from believing she couldn’t sing to recording a Kirtan inspired album, Embody Love, (available on most music streams including bandcamp, spotify and iTunes) that reached No. 1 on the iTunes world music charts.

Julia is passionate about the power of sound to awaken and heal and excited to share some of these practices with you here on My Happy Path. She regularly holds Kirtan in Ojai, California, where the invitation is to Sing Your Heart Out. In her experience Kirtan is one of the most direct routes to connecting to and awakening the heart and soul’s natural qualities of joy, peace and love.

Whatever your physical capacity or natural inclination Julia offers a range of practices to ignite your heart and soul. At times like these when there is so much unrest and stress in the world it is becoming more and more essential to find the tools that help you stay centered and rooted in love. Julia invites you to keep opening the body, clearing the emotions and mastering the movement of mind so that you can drop into the sweetness of your heart with greater ease and regularity. Release stress, find your center and be the light you long for!

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What My Students Say

Julia’s teaching has guided me toward a new way to inhabit my body. After 71 years, I am more aware of breathing, and I feel more connected to the earth.

L. C.

I love Julia Berkeley’s Kirtan. She brings a special sweetness and love to the experience like none other. During her events I feel completely connected to my divine self and connected to my deepest joy. You can really feel her love radiating to everyone joining in. Its impossible not to leave feeling better. Bless you Julia for sharing the love and spreading more love in the world.

J. M.

Thank you so much for this beautiful practice. The breath work is so powerful! I had to come back to do it again! You’ve been such a gentle guide for me as I’ve been getting back into yoga. Blessings to you


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